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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Proposed Timeline

September 28- October 5 Research various ways project idea could work, talk to CRCA, find out what resources are available. Iron out project details and write up an official proposal.

October 5- October 10: Prioritize what hardware/software is needed to start/complete the project.

October 10- October 31: Research other styles of games already written and research what problems/bugs the developer had in writing it. Figure out the game narrative and how the gameplay will work and feel for both spectators and players. Look into Blast Theory games and other forms of locative media. Research various methods of implementing these factors using J2ME and Processing.

November 1- November 10: Research phones more in depth. Decide which phones offer the software that is needed and the quantity at which we will need them. Research information about projecting or using Price Center's LED screen.

November 18-November 30: Write up a budget to determine the total cost of the project and find out what must still be purchased that can't reasonably be acquired through other means. Apply for the Russell Grant: Write Proposal, fill out the application, and acquire support letter.

December 1-January 3: Acquire phones. Work on J2ME client to get the computer communicating with the phones. Research other games that the phones make possible (Brett has suggested Gecko Splat).

January 3- February 1: All hardware should be acquired by this time. Work on graphical interface. Design what each player/spectator should be seeing at any given point in time. Implement the phone client and work on putting the phones with the gameplay visual interface.

February 1- February 15: Complete the phone client and combine it with the final visual interface for gameplay. Test run it with Beta Testers and get feedback.

February 15-February 28: Apply the feedback to make any necessary changes or adjustments in gameplay and how everything works together. Finalize details about final performance. (Getting permission to use the space/screen/finding participants/figure out performance length, etc.)

February 28-March 11: Finalize anything and make any last minute changes necessary. Double check on details of final performance and make sure there will be documentation of some kind. Acquire participants for the final gameplay (some from beta testing but some originals as well). Give the final performance.

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